Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stepping In

Good morning, straight from the home of
Lezza Kuzzin Poetry...

Lord, I'm stepping into all You have
To all You have
 For me!
I know that it is very good,
Life abundantly!
I'm free, like walking barefoot,
I'm very free to choose
And I am choosing to believe
I'm stepping with You
To receive!

Beloved child,
Let's go, this day,
Above another obstacle-
One you'll never even see,
For high, 
I've lifted thee!
On to all I have for you
My child,
Who believes I do!
I do, I do, I do-
I have 
Sooo much for you!!!

Lezza Kuzzin Poetry copyright 2012

Proverbs 3:5-8. 16:3, 7, 9, 20
Jeremiah 10:23
John 10:10, 27
2 Peter 1:1-3
Joshua chapter 1
Psalm 40:2-5, 103:1-5, 71:21 :)
James 4:10
Isaiah 40:29
Luke 22:32 :) 
2 Chronicles 16:9
Ruth 2:12
Ephesians 3:20
Hebrews 11:6 :)

1 comment:

  1. Go to www.lezzakuzzinpoetry.blogspot.com to hear it! Love you all! xo


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